rebrand (v)
re·brand (ˌ)rē-ˈbrand
1: to change or update the brand or branding of (a product, service, etc.)
2 : to publicly refer to or describe (someone or something) in a new or different way
The struggle with a rebranding comes with challenge of maintaining what has come before vs reinventing yourself to appeal to a new audience.
Here is a what if example rebranding a classic performing arts center.
Here is a what if example rebranding a classic performing arts center.

Providence Performing Arts Center
The newly revised logo of the Providence Performing Arts Center came as a revival of the Art Deco style with a more modern sensibility, taking inspiration from the history of the locale itself.
The center is listed on the National Register of Historic Places; it has also been ranked by Pollstar as one of the “Top Venues” in the world. The theatre became known as the “Jewel of Weybosset Street” with this in mind, as the building itself had several revisions while keeping the similar architecture the same.
The center is listed on the National Register of Historic Places; it has also been ranked by Pollstar as one of the “Top Venues” in the world. The theatre became known as the “Jewel of Weybosset Street” with this in mind, as the building itself had several revisions while keeping the similar architecture the same.