Badge (n)
1: : a device or token especially of membership in a society or group
2: a characteristic mark
3: an emblem awarded for a particular accomplishment
A badge can symbolize many different things, and specifically, corporate responsibility badges are values that a company uses as a model to be accountable to itself, its stakeholders, and the public.

The look I was going for this badge design was one that was heavily inspired by Jack’s drawing style. Taking heavy influence on the way he draws effects lovingly called Kirby Krackle by fans.
The look I was going for this badge design was one that was heavily inspired by Jack’s drawing style. Taking heavy influence on the way he draws effects lovingly called Kirby Krackle by fans.

For this one I figured it there couldn’t be a Disney badge without one of them being directly Disney itself. The hat is inspired after the one Scrooge McDuck wears, I found it highly amusing he would be charitable but honestly he does have a heart of gold deep down.
For this one I figured it there couldn’t be a Disney badge without one of them being directly Disney itself. The hat is inspired after the one Scrooge McDuck wears, I found it highly amusing he would be charitable but honestly he does have a heart of gold deep down.

The final design I was inspired by the work Olly Moss did for Mondo on Star Wars. I picked the most iconic planet from the series which I assume needs not naming here.